Essential Oils 101: Everything You Need To Know

It is common to see essential oils used in cosmetics, skin care products, and even in supplements. There are a number of ways you can use essential oils in your everyday routine to help you boost your physical and mental health!
If you are feeling down, stressed and anxious, or looking for ways to brighten up your day, try Ylang-Ylang oil. Its fragrance is uplifting, and helps you to be more positive!
Effect: Helps to ease anger/sadness and boost your self-esteem. If you are having a hard time sleeping at night, this will help you as well. It can also be used for lowering high blood pressure, treating seborrhoea/seborrheic eczema, boosting the nervous system, and works even as an aphrodisiac.
Uses: Add a few drops to your next bath, apply on your wrist as a perfume, mix with fractionated coconut oil and use it as a hair conditioner, or make a DIY body lotion (recipe). Not recommended for internal use.
Bergamot is a type of citrus fruit which can be found in Europe and tropical regions. This essential oil not only helps to boost your self-esteem, but also helps to clear your skin! It’s all about self-love and self-worth. If you are feeling down, this will help you feel better and push through.
Effect: Helps to improve blood circulation, prevents infections and can protect your hair and skin by using soaps with bergamot. It also helps to ease headaches and muscle aches, and most importantly, helps you to reduce anxiety and stress. Try our Glow 49% Jojoba Oil Serum for serious happy vibes!
Uses: Spread it on your skin when showering or add some in your regular black tea and it will turn into Earl Grey!
Like many other essential oils, geranium also helps to reduce anxiety, stress and depression.
Effect: Balances hormones, relieves stress, improves circulation, cures Athlete’s foot, and accelerates the healing process of wounds.
Uses: Add a few drops to your face lotion to minimize wrinkles, mix geranium and jojoba oil to improve skin suppleness, add a few drops to your shampoo or hair conditioner for a delicious scent, or try making DIY potpourri (recipe) for a pleasant aroma.
Another cure for mental fatigue is frankincense - it helps to elevate your mood, helps to feel calm, and it is often used for yoga and meditation. Frankincense is derived from the Boswellia Carterii tree that can be commonly found in Somalia.
Effect: Enhance positivity and reduce negative emotions, boost immunity, may help fight cancer, heals skin and minimizes the appearance of scars and stretch marks. It can also help to improve memory and improves hormonal imbalance.
Uses: Relieve your razor bumps by making a DIY razor relief serum (recipe), add a few drops to a hot bath to relieve stress, or apply directly to your skin where you can see the sign of aging and scars.